Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Nuclear Waste"

Richard Muller is a professor of physics at the University of California at Berkely. His etiquette throughout this journal was very studious. The whole purpose of this writing was to deliver information based off of his studies and his confessions on nuclear waste. I, not being interested in nuclear waste, was not interested in this reading. He did deliver valid information and approached the subject with confidence but the subject bored me. He overused his statistical information confusing me throughout the entire writing. The last paragraph was the most informational though to me. Out of all the reading this did not fit in with the other ones. The reading was not catchy and delivered to much statistical information out at one time. Numbers after numbers pushed into equations made it a hard read. It is apparent that nuclear waste is a huge dilemma that is not gaining the right amount of focus in order to help minimize this problem or help change this growing epidemic. Richard Muller's main focus behind this writing was to force people to recognize the dangers of nuclear waste. It is understood that in years to come some of these environmental problems are going to be to big to fix and that now is the time to react off of our published matters. Pushing our personal focus on he more important factors, like mother nature, is the only way we are going to keep life in full rotation.

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