Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Movie Ratings"

"The most infuriating aspects of the MPAA ratings remain their obliviousness to the artistic intentions of directors, producers, and screenwriters."
The question stands...DO WE REALLY NEED MOVIE RATINGS?
There is no question that we need movie ratings. Some portions of movies are not stable for the younger generations to watch.
Generally movies are cut up and edited by the MPAA in order for the producer to successfully direct and publish a movie to the media still abiding by the MPAA rules but fulfilling the art behind the movie. Sexual scenes and gory scenes become very touchy and the main focus behind the rating system. Some movies don't even make it onto the movie screen in theaters due to the rating of it. Producers go through much heart beak and squeamish choices just to make money off of the expensive production process. Movies get rated by using "G", "PG-13","R" AND "NC-17". Most editors feel that the MPAA is an unfair judgement system for they have backhanded many production companies. The flawed system can not be abolished but can be made more transparent. The media feels that the secretive members of the rating board are unqualified and make unreal artistic assessments. As a growing adult, I have been able to notice in many movies how grotesque some scenes are but are not rated from an appropriate eye. The media needs to understand whose eyes are watching these movies and take into consideration the society as a whole and make a valid synopsises on what is happening in our day to day lives. The finger can not be pointed mainly on movies but this is a good start.

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