Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Three Days to See

Such a tragic story for Helen Keller. I can not even imagine how life would be lived without being able to see or hear. I love and rely so much on my 5 senses. I would be were I am today. Would I give up on life? I love to hear my niece and nephews voice on the other end of the phone and my Popi's sweet smell when I walk into his house. The feeling of my fathers hand wrapped around mine or the look of my mothers face when I broke her favorite vase. By far loosing the ability to taste would sadden me. I love food and I love how food can change a persons mood within seconds of it hitting your taste buds. The "for your journal" question still has me contemplating on my answer. I am such a indecisive person were decision makes for me is very difficult.
The author grabs my attention with this entry by asking personal questions throughout the entire work. It really hits the heart when you have to think of loosing something so personal that you use daily just to understand how life can be lived without the option. Being more appreciative of what you have sometimes is lost within living life and just passing through life.
If i were Helen Keller I would love for the opportunity to regain my senses that I lost. That would be something that I know I would dream about. The sound of a bird singing or the look of the stars at night are a couple of things that i would miss. Her survival techniques that she gained over the years are immaculate and inspire me to be more humble to what I have access to. All of the experiences that she goes into detail about that she has never experienced makes me question my values. Really, what matters in life? Do I wake up each morning thanking God for another day that I am living in better health that the day before?

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