Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Blame the Eater

There is no doubt that Fast Food Companies, like Burger King and McDonald's, target there customer group towards children. They have built and built over the years ways to thrive off of our fast moving economy. Not one individual can blame a company for there failure to say "NO" when it comes to ordering off of their appetizing menu. Descriptive copy is meant to tantalize the mind in order for sales to be made. If food was made to look unappetizing of sound unflavored, honestly who would eat it. People need to take there own lives into there own hands. You can't always blame other people for the choices that you make and that is exactly what this is all about, choices. We all want freedom but when it is given to us we take it and run a mile with it. When we see our weight slowly climbing we try to blame companies for the food that they provide for us to eat. Not one food establishment forces food down our throats. I have never walked into an establishment were they are holding me down to eat a big fat greasy burger. Every decision that we make bottles down to the word "choice". With choices comes consequences and repercussions.
David Zinczenko, the editor-in-chief of Men's Health, scripts a well formated short synopsis on healthy eating and how this circle of the blame game is administered.He kept me into his journal by stating purely bias statements on eating habits of individuals and company precautions. I disagree with his point that companies do not provide warning labels because indeed they do. Subway is a prime example for this growing standard that is increasing the knowledge of calories and carbohydrates in food. Industries are being forced to apply labels to their sale items or else there profitable items will soon turn into expense items on their revenue accounts.

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